Study Centers Policies and



Relationship with GIT/GU

Global University wants to promote the local churches, and they want GIT to enhance and promote what they are doing. Therefore, pastors are encouraged to advertise the study group as belonging to their church. However, they are also expected that they clearly communicate that it is a Global University (GIT) study group. Therefore, the church might advertise it as “’name’ GIT Study Group”. Or Assembly of God's GIT Berean School of the Bible Study Group/center, etc. It is legitimate to promote the study group as a ministry of the church as long as it is also made clear the students are enrolled and study with Global University and not with the local church. Regarding study centres, GIT wants to promote the concept of home-groups; however, in an organized manner and under competent leadership. Consequently, we want to encourage churches that want to use home-study materials to contact us.

Independent Centres

GIT prefers that home-groups led by laypeople would be part of a local church overseen by a leader appointed by the church. Individuals that may feel led to lead a home-group should at least come highly recommended by their church. The individual should be at least two years in good standing with that church showing continuity, stability, commitment and proven accountability towards their church. Home groups that are not organized by a church need to be accountable to one or directly to the GIT director, or to someone he appoints. When such a request is made, the board is to advise and guide the director how to proceed with each individual case. Concerning the relationship between GIT and the churches, regarding education and students’ church positions, please see disclaimer. To be updated
Global Institute of Theology | CHRISTINE 17, Triq il-Klin, Iklin IKL1030 MALTA EU Tel: 00356 79475618 |